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Body Fat (endogenous fat) burns with ample amounts of oxygen. Without oxygen, your body will burn Glycogen (endogenous sugar). The rule of thumb is to never be out of breath while doing cardio to assure you're burning the most amount of body fat as possible.


In response to regular and consistent cardiovascular exercise, your cells will add more fat-burning enzymes within your muscles, which increases your ability to burn body fat for energy, even when at rest. Adding more muscle with strength training combined with regular and consistent cardiovascular exercise will literally program your body to be a fat-burning machine.

In other words, your body will be reprogrammed to stay fit and lean without much upkeep. Here are the guidelines for the most effective way to perform cardiovascular exercise:

1st: Establish your target heart rate:

Type in your age and the calculator will give you an idea of what your range should be. I recommend using a heart rate monitor to help you stay in your target range throughout the workout. NOTE: You should never be out of breath during your workout session.

2nd: Stay in your target range for 30-60 minutes 3-6 days/week

3rd: Good ways to get your heart rate up are:

1. Spinning bikes

2. Walking

3. Elliptical machines

I recommend getting a spinning bike for multiple reasons.·

1. Low cost: Good ones are in the $250 range

 2. Little to no maintenance

3. Target large muscle groups, i.e. quads and hamstrings

4. Compact and easy to move around your home

5. Safer than riding outdoors

6. No gym membership required - Saves you money!

Due to the sheer length of time devoted to cardiovascular exercise, another recommendation I have is to perform while watching your favorite TV programs. I record shows specifically to watch while I exercise. I actually look forward to watching them, which I associate with riding my bike. Rather than sit on the couch letting your body atrophy, get on your bike and ride!

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